Jun 16, 2012

Remove warts. Traditional medicine

Warts and HPV - tumors is very bad form to appear on human skin. Not only is the look unaesthetic, they still cause discomfort, forming at the most inappropriate places - on the hands, face, soles of the feet and even on the genitals. Why do these tumors and how to get rid of them? Today it is known that papillomas are viral in nature. HPV (human papilloma virus) triggers an uncontrolled growth of cells of the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes. It can be transmitted through casual (for example, by shaking hands), as a result of scratching the skin, as well as during sexual intercourse.Papillomas, as well as warts and warts - these are different manifestations of human papilloma virus. The main danger of such structures is that some of their species (eg, warts) tend to degenerate into malignant tumors. So it must be examined in the case if the wart is suspected: increase in size or change shape. Warts is desirable to withdraw as soon as possible.Apart from the traditional modern medicine in addressing such problems remain popular folk methods of getting rid of warts. In the topical treatment applied substances with bitterness and the ability to bind.* The place where first of all, there was a wart, carefully burn a hot rod, then immediately make a hot tub.* Get rid of the warts will garlic cream. Preparing this ointment on lard (pounded garlic mixed in equal proportions with lard) or vinegar (1 part garlic vinegar to 4 parts). This mixture can also be used for chronic suppurating ulcers.* In cases not running quite regularly rubbing the wart wheat broth, infused over 3 days, or leek juice.* To get rid of warts, it is advisable to make a sore spot for a cold compress of garlic and keep it for as long as it does not warm up body heat, then replace it with a new, cold compress.* An effective means are tears of the vine, and buttercup. The latter may cause the falling away of warts.* In the fight against warts help the following composition: take a fresh nutshell, quicklime - on one side, pound, sift and put on the wart.* Recommended Daily 2 - 3 times a day, rub the wart with raw garlic. Continue treatment until the disappearance of warts, but not more than three weeks.* Infuse in vinegar zest of two lemons for eight days. The resulting tincture is used for lubrication of warts.* Apply to warts as a dressing mashed fresh leaves of Kalanchoe.* A good tool is a strong infusion of wormwood, which every day several times to wet the warts.* It is recommended to put on the wart mashed berries of mountain ash.* A small potato cut in half, one half throw (throw back across his head) and the second half of the grate all warts (cut side) and this part of the potatoes immediately dig into the ground in a dry place to dry it out there, but did not start to grow . A few days later, when the potato is dry, the warts will disappear.* To root stems of cut (beveled) ear of corn. Edge of the straw a few times to pin the wart and now buried in the straw damp place in the ground, root upwards. A few days later, when the straw rots, the warts will disappear without a trace.* Apply to the warts 2-3 times a day a mixture of willow wood ashes, mixed with vinegar, as an ointment. As a result, the warts fall off and dried.* You can also grease the warts of fresh juice of sour apples. The course of treatment - 10 days.* Cook the onion in the vinegar with the husk, to stand and rub this infusion warts.* Wetting and rub the wart with ammonia. The procedure is carried out daily until their complete disappearance.* Grind the herb celandine, mix it with Vaseline. Lubricate the wart every day.* A day to rub the warts with fresh juice of celandine.* Regularly, at night before bed, pipette one drop to the wart with acetic acid, being careful. More drops are not consumed. Warts will soon begin to descend.

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