Jun 13, 2012

What is the woman the car?

Without a car today, it is difficult to do. At the same time does not even matter where you live - in a major metropolitan area or a provincial small town. On the driver's seat is increasingly possible to see women in this phenomenon, most men are with indulgent attention - yes, the lady behind the wheel of what to expect from it ... But even this retrograde, accustomed to dominating on the road, we have to put up with lots of women drivers.We often hear from men: "But why her car, because I still otvozhu it anywhere, if need be?".Men, you are wrong!Remember, you are nervous and angry, if you have to wait for his lady two o'clock near the store, which brought new fashions from the latest collection. And you do not realize that choosing a jacket for 20 minutes - it totally unreal. And besides blouses, we have still so much! ..And we really do not like to beg you, "Take me, please, fitness! Oh please, I'm late! ". In this case we really hate to watch your facial expressions dissatisfied - because you tear from reading newspapers, watching a football match or other important things!A purchase of products for the whole family? By no means every woman has a housekeeper, on the shoulders of which can shift this important and difficult job. And how do you want to haul all those bags, bags and bundles home - on the subway, or what?Now imagine: his wife fell into a slight accident, and now it is necessary to fix the car. Car service is useless, you can handle themselves well with a small problem. Grumbled, "to order" at his wife, you call up friends and collect all the beer in the garage. Enjoying a drink and a society of friends, in between times to troubleshoot, and his wife in gratitude for this is not grumbling about the fume.And for women who have not yet found their "soul mate", driving his own car - a great way to get acquainted with the man of her dreams. Indeed, on the road yet still more men than women, and you can always refer to the cute stranger on a foreign car with a request to change a wheel, add butter or tie "that's this little thing."One of the main arguments in favor of the car for a woman - her many responsibilities (many more than men!). After all, we need to have time not only to market, shops and employment. We still need to take the younger child in kindergarten and older - in school, and then a swim, then take from that voyage, in between times to meet with friends and drink a cup of coffee ... How to do everything without having your own car?And the weather? What would you do if you just need to put a new light cream coat, at the sight of the accounts of which Marina will die of envy, but on the street loaded boring rain, and the sidewalks are covered with a thick layer of dirt? One solution - get behind the wheel luxury cars and spectacular drive to the office!Finally, we can forget about a number of other advantages, which gives us possession of the means of transportation.The car needs a woman to:- Time to get out on a date to the beloved man;- If you missed the interview, be justified: "Got into a traffic jam!";- To make friends jealous;- In order to mink coats are not worn out in public transportation;- To go to her grandmother in a village in another city for a friend or on vacation to the sea.But is it possible to enumerate all the advantages that result from their own car! The key to this - choose the right vehicle. It depends on what type of women drivers you think.Who are you?According to research by psychologists, all women are "driving" are divided into three major and most abundant kategorii.Elya tula mail ruFirst: housewifeThese women are often busy with purchasing food for families, children in the shipping circles and sections, as well as pleasant things for yourself, your favorite - visit to the barber shop, pool, shaping, manicurist, etc. Most of the driver, a housewife different restraint and discipline, it cabs rarely, preferring the security and peace of mind. These women prefer a spacious comfortable car in which the whole family fit easily with their belongings, going on vacation or out of town for the weekend.Among the most suitable models for this category of women drivers can call the Ford Fusion, Citroen Xsara Picasso, Ford C-Max, Daewoo Matiz, Nissan Note and "Oka." Many of the "Housewives" (note that the name of the conditional, the housewife may be retired, a young mother or the girl-student), well versed in the device of the car and sometimes even able to change the spark.Second, studentsAgain, same - generic name that psychologists have given relatively young ladies, representing a danger to others on the road. These ladies car, probably bought a dad or husband. He rescues his beloved daughter (his wife), if that by their negligence and stupidity gets in an accident. These girls drive a car is risky, preferring to secure a great model - if you crash into someone, and then without any consequences to themselves.Nervous and scattered, never mind knowing the traffic rules, "students" are usually chosen Audi A2, Nissan Micra, Mercedes A-Class, Toyota Yaris or SUVs Kia Sportage, Suzuki Jimmy.Third: businesswomanThis lady looks like behind the wheel of his car is very imposing. It is usually well versed in the device machine, calm and confident it leads, without causing other road users have no trouble. Business lady preferred status cars, so as not to lose face in front of partners and employees of the company and friends. However, it is valued cost model - a real business woman knows how to countmoney.This woman sure of herself, she need not prove anything to the men on the road - she already knows her worth. Preference given to small models, which do not cause problems with parking and quite maneuverable. Business lady can draw attention to the big car - in this model depends on its physical features.The most common self-lady buys: Honda Jazz, Toyota RAV4, Audi A8, Mercedes, BMW, Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, VW Golf and Opel Signum.The modern pace of life is such that the vehicle for a woman is no longer a whim, a luxury or a testament to its high position. Car for women - in most cases a necessity, therefore, to treat his or her choice should take special care.

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