Jun 13, 2012

How to reduce fuel consumption

Despite the fact that injection engines are more economical than the carburetor, reducing fuel consumption remains an important task for every car owner.Some drivers have not got so far from "sovkovskoy" habit "to refine the car with a file" and look for "magic" ways to reduce fuel consumption. What is not often used by all sorts of scams, offering such "magic" pills. Meanwhile, there is a well-known, but not always applicable for ways to reduce fuel consumption, without any mysticism in strict accordance the laws of physics and engineering.For the injector one of the most significant factors is the quality of fuel and the fuel line the engine settings. Always fill the tank of your car just the fuel that is recommended. It is this fuel will provide your car the best dynamics with the least wear and the least possible consumption. Unfortunately, in the Russian context, this advice seems like a mockery. Poor fuel quality and characteristics of non-conformity to the declared mark appears too frequently.Quality fuel at every gas station - is the dream of the Russian motorist. However, usually in low quality workers are not to blame for fueling. This brought gasoline suppliers. But it is better to buy petrol from reliable suppliers, who from time to time provide adequate quality.Equally important is the technical serviceability of the car: clean filters, fresh engine oil, serviceable ignition system and nutrition, the right angles of the alignment of the wheels and so on. Providing these requirements allows us to keep close to the consumption of gasoline nominal level, ie in comparison with the vehicle mentioned earlier, a 20-30% reduction in fuel consumption as the injector, as well as on other types of engines.Install the appropriate tires for the season. Although, in the winter of softer tires consumption will inevitably increase, but security still important. But with the advent of the warm season, summer tires help to reduce the consumption of a few percent.Some experts recommend the same to increase tire pressure by 0.2-0.3 bars of nominal. This is a great recommendation, but only if you drive on a good road (I have not seen, but they say somewhere in Russia there is a good way). If you are driving on an ordinary cold ... potholes, the fuel you may be cut, but increased wear and tear of body and powertrain, as well as an increased load on the spine of the driver and passengers, will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. And while driving through mud or snow, high blood pressure lead to a lot of slipping, which will only increase the gas mileage.Another "trick" is a nice drive. No matter how corny it sounds, but compliance with the rules of the road reduces fuel consumption. For many drivers, this means compliance with speed limits banal. The fact that the nominal rate specified for cruising on the highway. When driving in the city neminuemy constant accelerations and decelerations at which gasoline consumption increases. The smaller the acceleration and deceleration, and less sharp than they are, the less you have to pay at the gas station.Another item on the SDA, which many drivers neglect is off when the transfer stops at traffic lights. If fuel economy is relevant to you, the shift lever must be put in a neutral position at all stops. In this case, the engine will run at idle, instead of twisting transmission, and consumption is reduced significantly.Correctly and on time to shift gears. The minimum flow is reached at a certain frequency of rotation of the motor shaft (for injection is 2000 - 2500 rev / min). Try to keep the speed in this range. But do not forget when you switch on the top gear to ensure a small peregazovku (for injection to 2500 - 3000 rev / min). Also avoid engine braking (except in emergencies of course).The dynamics of the vehicle and fuel consumption is very strongly influenced by the aerodynamic properties of the vehicle. First of all, get rid of the luggage on the roof if you do not need. It is not advisable as open windows, especially when driving at high speed.Increased consumption leads to the use of air conditioning or weight. Well, advise summer heat air conditioner off to save fuel - is absurd. For what you are buying a car with air conditioning, but for the sake of comfort? Although there is a situation where better to sweat: if the fuel is almost zero, and you're trying to at all costs to hold on to the gas station. But throw out all the luggage is not necessary - it's a good recommendation.Finally, there is another tip that many seem silly, but for common reflection, for most people it is quite appropriate. Try to use the car less. Remember that walking or cycling are good for health. And if you go to work for a company with a friend, a time in your car and just drive through a friend, the flow rate can be reduced by 2 times - more than all of the above methods are combined

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