Jun 14, 2012

Waste of money. How can this be avoided?

Waste of money these days is not uncommon, not only by women but also men are tempted to buy something they absolutely unnecessary at this time. After all the shop windows beckon so much to him. And prestige issues have a place to be. But, for example, paying off the card, we do not feel the waste. After all, our nervous system is configured for real money - bank notes and coins. A virtual money can not touch it, feel it. This significant difference in the perception of real and virtual spending. "I have a map and it is money" - so say the people who came to training on financial management. But if you ask them to say how much money is on the map, it appears that they do not remember or think that the account has more money than it actually is. In addition, many argue that the purchase of distraction from the problems, give positive emotions.If you're earning and you know how to control their spending, which enables you to increase your income substantially. Managing capital and assets are best left to professionals. In this case, the risks associated with the loss of money is minimized.What can we do to resist the temptation to make another purchase? Ask yourself, as well as whether you need it now? Or is it only a momentary desire?You need to take control of this desire, to learn to manage, train the force of will. It is important to delay the purchase of the subject, putting it on afterwards. You can consult on the need to buy with friends, relatives. The working method, which used some of the shopaholic who want to get rid of this bad habit: you have to present themselves in an entirely different age, then, that this waste is silly and irrelevant. This technique leads to a real perception of the necessity and sufficiency of committed purchases.Or try to keep your money in cash in his wallet real, and not on the credit card. It also will not lose touch with reality, and not to commit waste of money.

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