Jun 13, 2012

Can I make friends with a cat a dog?

Many lovers of pets are often limited to one pet. Some of the apartment and did eventually turn into a mini-zoo. And why not? Especially if there are funds for the animals and enough free time to care for them. However, we consider a more modest alternative: let's say you already have a dog and you want to have another cat. But this fear that they will live under one roof "like a cat with a dog" and your apartment will become a "battleground." Can I make friends of those who are rumored to have an implacable hatred?
It turns out you can. If desired, you can find on the Internet to the mass of evidence, as well as fotodokazatelstv in which a cat and a dog sleeping peacefully on the same mat or eat from a bowl. Although the famous naturalist Konrad Lorenz called this coexistence is not "friendship" and "truce", claiming that between so many different animals can not be present in the human sense of friendship. However, for owners of pets is not as important as it is called the steady-state relationship between them. The main thing is that the dog is not kept trying each time to arrange a hunt for the cat, and she, in turn, being pressed into a corner and forced to defend themselves, not the dog caused serious injury with his claws.
So back to our condition: you have a dog and you plan to keep the house and even a cat. Young animals get used to each other faster and easier, so if you have a puppy, then you need to take the kitten, approximately equal to him in age. Although little puppy (3-12 weeks of age) get on well with the adult cat, as well as a kitten with an adult dog.
The first meeting of the animals, of course, must be held under your supervision. But it does not need to speed up the event. Let them first take a look, sniff, more comfortable with the new to the community. To secure a positive impression on first acquaintance, put a bowl of your pets in different corners of a room. After a while the smell of each other, they will associate with such a pleasant moment, like feeding, which will accelerate their addiction. If animals sdruzhatsya so that there will be one of the bowls, remember it must be divided into zones, as diets for dogs and cats are still significantly different. Watch for animals, not only when we first met, but after a while. The fact that, for example, wagging tail, a dog is friendly disposition, as well as some of the poses, inviting the game, the cat can be taken as a manifestation of aggression. Your goal with the help of strokes and gentle words to dissuade this pitomitsy. Eventually, she learned how to detect such signals. And soon as smeknet the dog - it's a great "living water bottle" and will get to rest next to her at all, or directly on the dog itself. Most of the dogs and made friends with the cats, against such "familiarity" do not mind.
However, it also happens that the truce between the pets can not be reached. In the event that each meeting ends with conflict and attempt to arrange a fight, have to think about the separation of.

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