Jun 13, 2012

How to cook "Tatin" - upside down cake

Ingredients for "" Tatin "- upside down cake"
For the dough:
* 225 g flour
* Pinch of salt
* 115 g butter (margarine)
* 1 egg yolk
* 2 tbsp. l. cold water
* For the filling
* 150 grams of sugar
* 50 g butter
* 13 to 15 pcs. peeled and sliced ​​small sweet apples
* 25 grams of fine sugar
* 1 tsp. Brandy
Prepare the dough. Put in a bowl the flour and salt and cut butter.
Mix egg yolk with cold water and add to flour mixture and butter.
Knead the dough (if necessary add a little water, do so with caution: the dough should not contain much moisture, it makes it tough). Place the finished dough in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
In a saucepan karameliziruyte Saha over low heat, add 4 tbsp. l. water. Exactly pour caramel on the bottom of rotating it so that the caramel evenly distributed, and then hardened. Put out in 25 g butter 3 apples inuty half, adding half the sugar (half of 25 g.) Transfer to a plate and cook the apples with remaining sugar. Lay the slices of apples in the shape of circles. Melt remaining butter in a pan, pour in the brandy and pour this mixture of apples.
Roll the dough into a circle the size of the form. Put it on top of apples and a little push.
Bake 25-35 minutes at 200-220 degrees. If after 20 minutes the dough very lightly browned - cover it with foil. Remove the form from the oven. Here's what happened
A cake should be cooled within 5 minutes (no more) and turn on the dish. Bon Appetit!

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