Jun 12, 2012

How is the money?

How dangerous myth: the money out of money, more money, I want a lot of money, a lot of money fast, how to earn more money very quickly, how quickly to make money?
Negative beliefs blocking the attraction of cash flows. Prejudice - a form of failure, seal ignorance. A successful man is free in his thoughts.
From illusions about the money necessary to get rid of.
Myths about money
Myth number 1 about the money. Gold - is the devil
Misconception about the money: Money - the evil, the subject of the basest desires. Moralists who preach these beliefs are based on the view that the most common motivation of all crimes, including murder - is the pursuit of profit. Fastidious attitude to money such champions of morality is based on the representation of a number of religions.
Persistent rejection of the Catholic Church of market relations has caused a church split, with the millions of victims of war and the emergence of Protestantism, with your money more easily. It's pretty durable myth that pervades many religions.
"Most of the saints were poor people, but it does not follow that the majority of the poor - the saints." William Inge
Sanctimonious attitude to money was also inherent in our recent past. This social illusion of shape in a rather nasty form of hypocrisy. Everyone wanted to live richer, but it is carefully concealed, and the authorities did not welcome such an orientation. Therefore, the black market flourished and speculation.
A man who perceives this myth as truth, belongs to the money passively. He considers himself above the money, and does not want their money. Sometimes a rich man begins to say something like that, but this is outright hypocrisy. Rather, it is a sort of desire to please the crowd, arranged under the general opinion, not to stand out and to hide their level of wealth.
In fact, Gold is not the creation of the devil, as a tool for achieving goals in life. The money is primarily a great opportunity for a happy and prosperous life.
Myth number 2 about the money. Gold - is a god
Misconception about the money: Money is everything to solve the problem. This deification of money in today's world. For many people money - religion, which they worship and serve. If for a moment imagine how many thoughts, desires, energy, activism, people spend their time to serve the spiritual and material to an idol god, the difference will turn out spectacular. This is the reality.
In fact. Money, of course, important, but do not confuse charisma with scrambled eggs. Money - it's just a means, not an end. Gold is not a god, it's just the earth's equivalent of the labor and energy. With the help of money can not solve all the problems completely. You can not buy health, genuine relationships, love and happiness. You can only create good conditions for this.
"Misunderstanding is scant that they consider the benefits of gold and silver, whereas it is only a means to acquire wealth," Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Myth number 3 of the money. The big money - big problems
Misconception about the money: It is better to live modestly, especially a low profile, do not go to the line of fire of success. In this myth about the money laid a grain of truth. Indeed, the money demand relationship active. If a wealthy man strives to preserve and increase his wealth, he must be active.
Imagine that wealth - is a huge multi-storey building. In order to maintain this house in order, we must do something all the time: that light burn out, then the valve will begin to flow, then the plaster posypetsya. To live in a hut is much easier, you can lie down after the hunt and sleep for days.
Money can not simply be stored in a stocking. Then they are worthless. The money must make money, should turn. The civilized approach requires that the capital was working and not lay dormant. It is a living energy, and not just a pile of glittering metal. Mean knights are gone. Today is very different speeds, life has become a dynamic and fleeting.
The money from the money
How to attract money into your life
There's gold reserves - a kind of guarantor of stability, which is statically stored somewhere in the recesses or bank vaults. Money is different from gold. For them, the natural is constantly rotated to invest in commodities, services. They are like streams must flow in all directions and return to the man.
Indeed, when a lot of money problems, but a poor man to a much larger, and the quality of life is much worse.
In fact. Money - is the potential of this method of achieving the goals and desires of life programs. With skillful use, they do not create problems, and help solve them. A sufficient amount of money allows a person to feel at ease and confident.
Myth number 4 about the money. Wealth - the result of luck
Misconception about the money: Many sincerely believe that a lot of money get only lucky people. For example, you can win a decent amount of the lottery or receive their inheritance. According to those who believe in this myth is the availability of money or lack thereof depends on the fate or external circumstances, but not from the man himself. "Now, if I was born into a wealthy country, into a wealthy family," - then another thing most people think. But is it really?
In fact, many millionaires have had a very modest start-up capital, and prospered independently. No wonder a smart man said: "Fools are lucky? So they are not so stupid. "
The Russian people hope for the unexpected good fortune fueled by a fabulous attitude. Suddenly, a miracle happens and he wakes up rich or win a million in a lottery, the slot machine in a casino. Rather than make a serious effort, people indulge in dreams of wealth. Such dreamers at heart consider themselves to be unworthy of the wealth, big serious money. Of course, an element of fate and luck play a role, but to a much greater extent, it depends on the person, of his desire, conscious effort and perseverance.
There are times when the two of Fortune gives the same chance: one uses it, the other does not. In fact. Fate, of course, makes the surprises, but you can spend a lifetime waiting for an expensive gift, so it is not waiting. Successful people are always very architect of his own happiness. Luck comes to those who believe in it and is confident to meet her.
Myth number 5 about the money. The more you work, the more you earn
Misconception about the money: If you work for wear, then sooner or later get rich. As you know, the poor are working from dawn to dusk, receiving for their hard work pittance. Wealth does not come to someone who works hard, and to him who thinks and acts properly. Our personal bank located in the head.
Between poverty and wealth are no compromises. And the poor and the rich can spend the same effort, but the result will be different. You can like Sisyphus rolling a boulder uphill impossibly high, drain the power, slide down and be under a rock.
I want a lot of money quickly
Randy Gage: Free cheese is only inmousetrap
In other words, the degree of stress and the amount of money is not directly related. The money will come only when people are deeply think through their actions, the program will be the so-called business - plan of life and will be targeted to implement it. Only in this case, he can count on success. But most importantly - a state of consciousness: a gold alloy of a strong desire and belief in yourself.
In fact. It is best not to fuss, do not spin like a squirrel in a wheel, and do every step of life balanced, thoughtful, deliberate. First, become rich in ideas. Then Line up the path to prosperity in the head. And, finally, making no unnecessary movements, calm, concentration and determination to start it: Arrange for a promising job or become an entrepreneur, assemble a competent team, study the market and customer needs.

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